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We value our supporters.

Everything we do is made possible by the generous people, organizations, and companies that give to Protect Life Michigan.


We are responsible for stewarding and directing your investment -- and we take that seriously.


If you have questions about how we care for our supporters and the investment they make in our work, please contact us.

Key Information on Protect Life Michigan's
Financials and Supporter Trust

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Donor Privacy

We will never distribute or sell your information, giving history, or other data provided by our supporters without the consent of the individual, or as required by law.
You can view our detailed privacy policy here.

Board Oversight

Our Board of Directors is made up of business people, lawyers, non-profit leaders, and community advocates with decades of experience. They are responsible for financial oversight and review our finances, policies, controls, and audits on a regular basis.

Reporting our impact

Every dollar you invest with Protect Life Michigan will be used to enable the work necessary to change minds and save lives. We are proud to update you throughout the year on this progress and provide an annual report summarizing our yearly impact.


You can view past annual reports here: 

  • When was Protect Life Michigan founded?
    In 2005, pro-life student groups across Michigan gathered together on Michigan State University’s campus to establish Protect Life Michigan (back then, we went by "Students for Life of Michigan"). These students formed a coalition of pro-life student groups to work together to protect life on college campuses across the state. In 2013, we hired our first staff member: Christen Polo. This big step allowed us to make campus visits and offer more resources to the students in our coalition. Through our support, the number of pro-life groups skyrocketed from 6 to 46. The need for a greater presence on campus became clear. In 2019, we launched the "Campus Activist Model" which changed the way our college groups operated. The new model focuses on weekly meetings to learn how to talk about abortion, frequent campus activism, and building pro-life community on campus. Through this model, we began to help students reach 100% of their peers with the reality of abortion each year. Soon after launching the Campus Activst Model, we launched our high school program - serving high school groups and giving school assembly presentations to inspire and equip young leaders. In 2020, driven by our desire to innovate, we begin to develop and deploy outreach strategies that resulted in over 30% of our conversations resulting in a mind change - right on the spot. Today, we have a team of trained professionals to mentor students into exceptional pro-life leaders, statewide events to equip young leaders in the most advanced pro-life strategies, and an army of alumni serving the pro-life cause in countless career fields. All these years later, we remain dedicated to the same mission, vision, and core values as the day we were founded. We serve over 50 high school and college campuses with trainings, resources, retreats, activism opportunities, and so much more.
  • Is Protect Life Michigan part of another pro-life organization?
    Protect Life Michigan is an independent organization, not affiliated with any other statewide or nation organization.
  • Does Protect Life Michigan partner with other organizations?
    Yes. We value collaboration and are intentional about working together with others to end abortion. You will frequently find us working together with other pro-life advocates like the Knights of Columbus, Right to Life chapters, Life Advancement Group, Created Equal, churches, and many others. In order to collaborate, we do expect other organizations to follow our ethical standards of non-violence and loving outreach to those in need.
  • How can I give financially?
    You can give online, via mail, or by phone. To make an online gift, click here. You may mail gifts to: Protect Life Michigan PO Box 23042 Lansing, MI 48909 To give over the phone, contact our Director of Community Engagement, Jenny Rule, at 616-294-8348.
  • Is it safe & secure to give online?
    Yes. We have chosen an online donation processor that is safe and secure. You can read more about the security of our online giving platform at this link.
  • Can I donate Stocks?
    To transfer stock, simply provide this information to your broker agent, along with the quantity of stock you wish to transfer. Firm Name: Morgan Stanley DTC Clearing Number: 0015 Account Name: Protect Life Michigan Account Number: 092013793 If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Community Engagement, Jenny Rule, at 616-294-8348.
  • Do you have an endowment?
    Yes! Make your legacy last a lifetime (or more!). Our endowment is held by the Catholic Foundation of Michigan. Learn more and give to the fund by clicking here. If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Community Engagement, Jenny Rule, at 616-294-8348.
  • Are donations to Protect Life Michigan tax-deductible?
    As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, donations to Protect Life Michigan are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. Our Tax ID number is 20-3229372.
  • Will I receive a receipt when I give?
    Yes. If you give online, you will receive a receipt via email immediately. All gifts will trigger a receipt to be sent in the mail within 2 weeks unless you have asked us not to send one. Each January, we will mail a Donation Summary Receipt that lists an itemized table of all your gifts from the previous year. You may also request this summary to be sent via email by contacting
  • Does Protect Life Michigan share or sell donor information?
    We will never distribute or sell your information, giving history, or other data provided by our supporters without the consent of the individual, or as required by law.   You can view our detailed privacy policy here.
  • Do all Protect Life Michigan employees raise their own support?
    Over 90% of Protect Life Michigan's employees raise their own support. The only exception is for employees whose roles are in financial administration (I.e. Bookkeeper, Gifts Processor, and other development-centric roles). We recognize that donor support is what fuels our work and are incredibly grateful for our financial partners. Thank you!
  • Who makes decisions regarding staff salaries?
    Protect Life Michigan sets ranges for each position that seek to be in line with the salary of local school teachers. No one gets rich from pro-life work, but we want our employees to make a livable wage. Upper management reviews compensation annually and the Board of Directors signs off on it. Executive-level employees have their performance reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and any pay adjustments are decided by the Board. Any employees with a familial relationship have their performance review and salary reviewed and approved by the Executive Director or Board of Directors annually.
  • Does Protect Life Michigan have audited financial statements?
    Yes. If you would like to review our audited financial statements or have any questions, please contact our Director of Community Engagement, Jenny Rule, at 616-294-8348 or
  • Is Protect Life Michigan run by students?
    Our staff is made up of trained professionals who have dedicated their lives to ending abortion. However, we partner with hundreds of courageous student volunteers to carry out our mission to change hearts and save lives.
  • Why does Protect Life Michigan put such a strong emphasis on monthly giving?
    Monthly recurring support is reliable and consistant, allowing us to reach students with the pro-life message without fear of having to pull back. Monthly support also helps us better plan for the future, manage our budget effectively, and maintain essential programs even during uncertain times. For those who raise their own support, monthly recurring donations allow them to spend more time on campus and less time renewing one-time gifts. That said, every gift fuels our efforts and we are incredibly grateful for all of our supporters.
  • How is Protect Life Michigan's budget decided?
    Protect Life Michigan's Board of Directors approves a budget annually and evaluates the budget quarterly. Our Board Treasurer reviews our financials each quarter and report on them to the full Board. Any variances from the budget must be approved by the Board of Directors. There are many checks and balances on the organization's finances, ensuring there is oversight of funds and expenses. A third party was hired by the organization to help set those checks up.
  • What about your Board of Directors?
    Our Board of Directors is made up of business people, lawyers, non-profit leaders, and community advocates with decades of experience. They are responsible for financial oversight and review our finances, policies, controls, and audits on a regular basis. Our Board of Directors meets every other month and reviews financials quarterly.
  • What are my rights as a supporter of Protect Life Michigan? Do you abide by any ethical principles?
    Protect Life Michigan strives to follow ethical standards of fundraising, financial management, and reporting. We adhere to the principles published by the Association of Fundraising Professional's "Donors Bill of Rights." We hold ourselves to the highest degree of integrity and transparency possible. Staff are required to abide by our Fundraising Principles & Code of Ethics before support raising. Our Treasurer, Bookkeeper, and employees are required to abide by our Administrative & Accounting Policies.
  • How do you ensure oversight when employing multiple people from the same family?
    It is critically important to us that our supporters have faith that their investments in us are being used appropriately. To that end, we maintain strict financial oversight at multiple levels (including regular and thorough oversight from our Director of Operations, Bookkeeper, Board Treasurer to new a few). Family members may not complete performance reviews for each other. Family members may not request reimbursements or wage adjustments for each other. In these situations, the Executive Director or Board of Directors reviews the details of the situations and makes a decision. Any employees with a familial relationship have their performance review and salary reviewed and approved by either the Executive Director or the Board of Directors annually. If you have any questions or concerns about our oversight in these situations, please contact Jenny Rule, our Director of Community Engagement, at 616294-8348 or at
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We Are Eager to Save More Lives

We look forward to partnering with you to make abortion unthinkable on campus and in communities across the state.


You can join our team of supporters below or can contact our Director of Community Engagement at

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